Saoirse intervju med The Sunday
Saoirse (uttalas SIR-sha, "som tröghet") Ronan spelar en utomjording och en människa i samma kropp i den nya romantiska science fiction-filmen "The Host", baserad på en bok av "Twilight"-serien författaren Stephenie Meyer. Ronan, som fyller 19 i april, är redan en erfaren thespian med en Oscar nick för sin insats i 2007 års "Försoning".
Är du ett fan av "Twilight" vampyr romantik bok och filmserie och dess författare, Stephenie Meyer? Är det vad drog du till "The Host"?
Ja, det var definitivt en av de drar för mig att arbeta med Stephenie. Jag hade läst den första "Twilight" bok när jag var 14 och gillade hur klart hon gjorde något som den första kärleken och upptäcka själv. Jag har inte sett många av filmerna, att vara ärlig - jag tror jag såg den första och den sista, men det var mer de böcker som jag gillade.
I "The Host" du spelar två karaktärer i en kropp på samma gång. Hur fick du bygger dem och skilja mellan två i skådespeleri?
Jag ville se till att karaktärerna var starka nog på egen hand att de kunde studsa varandra ändå fungera i harmoni hela historien. Så vi började utveckla vilken typ av accenter som de skulle ha. Och det var meningsfullt för en att vara mycket väl talat, mycket formulera, på alla sätt lugn och fridfull och positiv.Medan Melanie [människan] rör verkligen och när hon talar det kamp prata.
Är detta din första romantisk film?
Ja, det är min första film där romantik är i fokus för hela historien. Jag har haft romantiska scener innan, men det var den första där romantik var en stor del av filmen.
Så var det alls konstigt för dig att filma de romantiska scenerna, även om de var ganska tamt?
Nej, egentligen inte. De stunder när något sådant skulle vara konstigt [är] när du inte får med ditt CoStar, och lyckligtvis fick jag på med båda, och vi alla hade ett skratt tillsammans
Var det en karriär strategi för att göra en romantisk bly så att du inte skulle ses som en barnskådespelare?
Nej, inte alls. För att vara ärlig, jag har aldrig riktigt känt trycket av att behöva göra det. Jag känner att jag har haft tur eftersom jag har fått manus som har lämplig för min ålder.
Fame har varit en ganska blandad kompott för "Twilight" stjärnor. Du gillar din integritet. Är du alls oroad över potentiella intrång of Fame?
Jag försöker att inte bli orolig om det. Jag vet att det beror på hur filmen gör. Det kan bara bris genom och vi kommer alla att bli bra. Jag är mycket privata, och jag har ett liv som är separat från press och film, så jag skulle vilja behålla det så mycket som jag kunde.
Jag läste att din berömmelse i Irland redan har gjort det omöjligt för dig att gå i skolan. Är det sant?
Det gjorde det mycket svårt när jag var yngre, ja. När jag började gå till gymnasiet var jag borta för arbete och när jag kom tillbaka skulle jag bara varit nominerad till en Oscar. Och så var det en galen tid för mig. Jag har alltid älskat skolan. Men det var ganska svårt, eftersom jag bodde på landet på den tiden och det var en begränsad mängd skolor som jag kunde ha gått till, så jag hem skolad i ett par år.
Jag har märkt att unga brittiska skådespelare verkar generellt mer jordad och osannolikt att hamna i kvällstidningarna. Tror du att det är en kulturell skillnad?
Ja, jag tror det. Visst irländska och brittiska aktörer, inte bara vår kultur är mycket olika, men jag tror ibland vårt sätt att arbeta kan vara mycket olika också. Hem är inte så celeb-driven som det kan vara på andra ställen. Det är inte riktigt lika mycket en fascination eller ganska så mycket av ett mål, bara genom att ha underbara dramatiker och författare som spänner så långt tillbaka. Med denna typ av historien ger riktiga rötter som skådespelare.
Du var faktiskt född i Bronx, men uppvuxen i Dublin. Dina föräldrar gillade inte Amerika?
Nej, mina föräldrar älskar absolut Amerika, och jag älskar Amerika också, särskilt i New York. De bodde där i ungefär 15 år, och min mamma var övertygad om att hon skulle ha mig där, så jag skulle inte behöva gå igenom besväret att de hade med invandring och arbete. Men när jag var ca 3 år gammal, och de började fundera på skolor för att skicka mig till, ville de ta mig hem. De ville att jag skulle veta min familj och vet sina vänner
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interljuver med saoirse, max och jake!
Saoirse Ronan – Exclusive Interview What was your favorite off-screen moment while shooting. Saoirse Ronan: Max and I went to have dance lessons for the swing dance montage scene that we have. And we went to see this guy, I think his name’s Ralph or Ray, or something like that. And he was just so cool…but he was quite small. And he was a great guy, so we had really fun times doing that.
JJ: Did both of you pick it up at the same time or was one a better dancer than the other? SR: I was a better dancer! I picked it up before Max did. Max needed to just relax a little bit. And I kept taking the lead, which I always do anyways whenever I dance.
JJ: I thought he said he was a break dancer when he was younger. SR: Yea, he did this break dance Grease mix tape at a disco when he was like ten years old. He was like ‘Oh yea, I won this dance competition once!’ And we were like ‘Oh my God, when was that and what did you do and stuff?’ ‘I was like ten years old at a camp! I don’t know if anyone else danced’ I wonder if it’s on Youtube!
JJ: Did you have a favorite prop from set? SR: Favorite prop? The little cryopod things cause they can be used for paper weights as well.
JJ: Did you steal any? SR: No, but I should have! There was a few of those things that I really wanted to steal and then just didn’t have enough time. But I still want to take one of those. I might find out where they are, but I want to steal it though! You know?
JJ: Can you describe Max in one word? SR: English!
JJ: Jake? SR: Guitar.
JJ: Diane? SR: Mmm, Diane. Focused. [Laughs] She gets the good one!
JJ: What was the last movie you saw? SR: The last movie I saw was Frankie and Johnny on the plane. It was great, it was really lovely!
JJ: What was the last song you downloaded? SR: The last song I downloaded was a song by Daughter called “Human”.
JJ: Good? SR: It was good, and it’s free before their album comes out. Have you heard of them? They’re a really good band, a really good English band, you should check them out.
JJ: Were you involved at all with any of the pranks that went on on set with Jake and Max? Did they involve you or prank you? SR: There was one prank that Jake pulled on Max, obviously, when we found out that Max was afraid of things with wings, so like moths and butterflies and any kinds of insects. So he found this little plastic sort of cockroach thing that we put in his microwave that he would use everyday to heat up his lunch. And just watched the trailer waiting. And eventually he came, like ran out of the trailer freaking out! And the thing is that, I’m always the one who’s the accomplice in the pranks but I’m never the one that comes up with them really. But I get a real kick out of them, so eventually I have to tell the person that we’re playing the prank on that we’ve playing the prank on them cause they get a real kick out of it.
JJ: I hear you’re a pop culture junkie? SR: Not a junkie. I’m interested in pop culture I guess.
JJ: Is there some interest that people wouldn’t expect you to like? You play serious roles, but there’s a playful side people see very often! SR: I’m serious sometimes, but most of the time, I’m just like this! I like to surf during the summer, I really like doing that.
JJ: I heard you like viral videos! Do you have a favorite video? SR: [Laughs] There’s two that I love at the moment. Do you know “Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That”? Sweet Brown? [Imitates video]. She’s like ‘I thought there was a fire!’ And then, this Taylor Swift video. You know that song that she has “I Knew You Were Trouble” and it’s like twenty seconds of her song and it’s right before she goes into the chorus and you know when she hits that high note? Well, they replace it with, it’s actually a sheep, well they replace it with a sheep screaming! You know they make that really weird screaming noise? And they replace it with the sheep! It’s the funniest thing. It’s so funny. So those two videos.
JJ: Do you know who GloZell is? SR: Who’s that?
JJ: The cinnamon challenge? SR: I’ve never done the cinnamon challenge! Is she good at it?
JJ: It’s amazing! SR: I love that, when you’re laughing so much at one of those videos! And it’s just like, their reaction to something.
Max Irons – Exclusive Interview What’s been your favorite off-screen moment of shooting? MI: It would be hanging out in New Mexico going hiking. I like to go by myself. I get crazy on set sometimes being surrounded by people, so every once in a while I just have to get out.
JJ: Do you have a favorite prop from set? MI: No, I didn’t steal any props. Getting to play with the guns was quite fun. But no, I didn’t have many props.
JJ: Did the guns actually shoot anything? MI: They shot blanks if you wanted them to.
JJ: Describe Diane Kruger in one word. MI: Stunning. Oh, I can do better than that. Mesmeric.
JJ: Saoirse Ronan? MI: Effortlessly talented. Two words, I know (laughs).
JJ: Jake Abel? MI: Kind.
JJ: Did you and Jake play pranks on one another? MI: He’s a little sh-t. He loves playing pranks. He in fact opens pranks up to the world of Twitter. He decided to tell the world that I’m terrified of insects. We had a book signing the other day with 1,000 people, lots of whom threw plastic insects, or in some cases real insects, onto the table.
JJ: What’s the last movie you saw? MI: The last movie I saw was Life of Pi. I loved it. I thought it was amazing.
JJ: What’s the last song you downloaded? MI: Woodkid’s new album. It was amazing. It’s a French guy. He used to direct videos for Katy Perry and write lyrics for Rihanna. He decided to make his own music. He’s f-cking awesome.
JJ: Tell us more about your upcoming TV series. MI: It’s called The White Queen. It’s about The War of the Roses, which took place in the 15th century, particularly violent period in history and a politically unstable period in history. I play King Edward IV – a bit of a womanizer, a very intelligent guy. And it tracks him and his wife over the course of their final 20 years.
JJ: Do you have a favorite off-screen moment from filming the series? MI: They offered to give me the horse that I rode.
JJ: Did you take it? MI: I didn’t! Because I thought I’d be unkind keeping a horse in London. Where are you going to keep it? The poor guy’s going to be in the stable the whole time. But it was nice because I was the only one they offered.
JJ: What’s Tarquin Wong up to? [question given to us by Jake] MI: Tarquin Wong! Where did you get that from (laughs)? He was this kid I went to school with when I was 13. He was a gymnast and a diving champion. I beat him in a dance competition, dancing to the Grease megamix with a combination of swing and break dance. At the time, it felt like my finest hour. When I look back, it makes me uncomfortable.
JJ: Let’s see you break dance! MI: No (laughs)! I was more flexible in those days. Now, I’m taller and ganglier.
Jake Abel – Exclusive Interview
JustJared: What was your favorite off-screen moment from shooting the film? Jake Abel: We climbed – out in Shiprock [New Mexico] – the exterior of our cave and had this 360-degree view of this unadulterated land. It was stunning. In that moment, the wind was blowing. It was incredible. It was just gorgeous.
JJ: What about your favorite prop from set? JA: I actually took something from [my character] Ian’s room. He had a really good collection of books. There was a Rudyard Kipling book, “The Jungle,” was in it and a couple other short stories. It was all beat up and really old. I think it was published in the 70s. I have a tattoo of a Rudyard Kipling poem “If,” so I’m a big fan and that was my steal from the set.
JJ: What do you like most about your co-star Max Irons? JA: Max has become one of my closest friends actually. I trust him tremendously. We’ve done a lot of interviews together and when one starts to falter, we pick the other one up. I feel safe around Max (laughs).
JJ: What about Saoirse Ronan? JA: Saoirse is great. She’s a pleasure to work with. She’s disarmingly talented in front of the camera as much so as behind it when she just turns it off and becomes a kid again. She’s just a joy to be around. She’s got a great energy about her.
JJ: Describe your co-stars in one word. First – Max? JA: Fun.
JJ: Saoirse? JA: Adorable.
JJ: Diane Kruger? JA: Badass.
JJ: We hear you play guitar. What’s your go-to serenade song? JA: Obviously, “Save Tonight” by Eagle-Eye Cherry. That’s the clincher (laughs).
JJ: We also hear you play pranks on Max. What’s the best prank you’ve pulled on him? JA: Well, he made the mistake of informing me that he has a fear of bugs. One day, he knocked on my trailer because there was something in his trash can and I went to save him from it, and it was a moth. So I tweeted that day, I had a bunch of people bring fake bugs to our book signing at The Grove. When he wasn’t looking, I put one on his shoulder. It was there for a minute and when he moved, it fell in his lap. He was like, “Ah!”
JJ: Do you have an unexpected question for us to ask Max? JA: Ask Max what Tarquin Wong is up to these days! And then make him tell you the story. He’ll know what’s up (laughs).
JJ: Last movie you saw? JA: I think it was The Place Beyond the Pines, the Ryan Gosling movie.
JJ: Do you watch TV or more film? JA: Film more. If I watch TV, I tend to watch Parks and Rec, really solid comedies.
JJ: What was the last song you downloaded? JA: Langhorne Slim’s album, which is a guy out of Pennsylvania. I bought him and Alt-J, this band out of England. Those are the two albums I bought last.
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