2013-06-26 |10:31:31 | Kategori:Allmänt

Josh om att kyssa Jen i Catching Fire

“I can’t divulge any kind of plot details,” he said, “but it’s up and down. Katniss and Peeta’s relationship is very complicated. It has a lot of little things that need to be worked out, but it’s good. People, I think, will be very satisfied with it.”   Hutcherson, for one, certainly doesn’t mind locking lips with co-star Jennifer Lawrence, who plays bow-toting heroine Katniss Everdeen. “I’d say there’s a natural stirring that happens in your body,” the actor admitted. “If you’re in the moment and you’re in the scene, then naturally whatever naturally happens is what’s supposed to happen.”

källa: http://jenniferlawrencedaily.com/#sthash.wM6e9iOY.dpuf

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